Travelease Pte Ltd Apps

TravelEase 2.3
TravelEase is one-stop App for wide range of 'Things to Do' inSingapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Tokyo and Bali. Thereare many Exclusive deals at up to 70% off. There are Things to Dofor the Young and Old, for Families, for the Adventurous, for theFoodie, for Clubber, and for the Arts lovers. After payment, youwill receive tickets in the App itself which you can scan at themerchants to enter. That makes TravelEase a complete PaperlessTravel Experience. You can also add your Flight, Hotel and Meetingsin the itinerary. TravelEase will keep itinerary and calendar insync and up-to-date. You can also choose to receive ItineraryReminders and Directions to your Destinations. TravelEase is alsoyour Personal Guide if there is emergency during your trip such aspassport is lost or need to visit doctor. Just call the number thatyou see in the App and we will do the rest. If you have anyfeedback about TravelEase App, we'd love to hear it. Please emailus at